This is a crochet site, right? I have to tell you, if you don't already know, that there is a wonderful, fabulous magazine out there that doesn't necessarily fall under the "crochet" tag, but you might find worthwhile anyway. It's called ReadyMade and it freakin' ROCKS. I eagerly anticipate it's arrival every other month. It is ruled by Shoshana Berger and its audience is largely the younger DIY crowd. Every issue is filled with amazing ideas, with a penchant for doing things on the cheap and helping you recycle whenever you can.
I seriously think this should be required reading for anyone interested in style and design, the environment, and crafting in general. It is an amazing magazine and I think the Editrix should be canonized. We use too much new crap, throw out too much usable stuff, and don't think enough about making what we have better.
There are often articles that are fiber-related, but anyone interested in looking at stuff in a completely different way, please seek them out. And no, I don't have any personal interest in their publication other than being in awe of them.
So the new issue of Crochet Today has made its way from the stands to my hot little hands and I couldn't be happier! Per my usual complaints, this edition features some beautiful patterns packaged in Disney-esque (and vomit-inducing) perkiness. Don't get me wrong, I don't think all the models should be petulant catwalk 14 year olds or anything, but who styles this thing? Someone's grandma? "Ooh, let's add roses - that'll look sweet!" Blow the roses! There are some really nice designs in this rag, but the sunshine and bluebirds hurts my eyes! Please, people, please update your look!
Okay, onto the patterns.
Hands-down favorite would be the Waves Hem Skirt. Smart, with a little vintage edge in nice colors. See? Isn't that cute?

I also like this capelet, but hate the colors. And not for nothing, but who thought of the name? "Comfy Capelet?" What did I just say about the whole grandma thing? Are they serious? How many people are thumbing through CT thinking "Oh, I really like that capelet. But most of them are SO uncomfortable! But wait! The name says it's comfy! Oh joy! I can hook away with impunity now!"

The cover vest is also nice, despite its being modeled by Sunbonnet Sue and her gang of roses. There are a few other pieces worth their salt, but as far as I'm concerned, these three are worth the price of admission.
Okay, well, about that. Both of you faithful fans have probably given up on this section, but I'm switching "Reviews" to a blogging format that will make life, and posting reviews, ever-so-much easier and much more timely than before. And speaking of timely, that would include reviews of some of my older crap, too. Like from the 19th up through the 21st century! Could you be any more thrilled? I mean, really? Have I made your day? Yeah, I thought so.
Reviews of Crochet Books, Magazines, and Patterns, new and old.